If you are an enthusiastic person who is keen to work in a sporting environment, then please read below and complete our employment form (buttons below)
ICA Sportzworx Stepney is a 4 court indoor arena with a large kiosk area and also has a bar/function room.
We run a social sports competition Monday to Friday and Sunday night for cricket, soccer and netball. On weekends we are full with birthday parties, court hire, functions and events. During the holidays we host OSHC excursions plus our own school holiday clinics. Saturday mornings we run our junior cricket, netball and soccer leagues. Occasionally, there are umpiring shifts available during the day for school competition sport.
We are currently looking for Cricket, Netball and Soccer umpires. Experience is required and full training to learn the indoor rules will be provided.
There are also junior sport positions available for our birthday parties and school holiday clinics. An ideal first job for school students, if you like a variety of sports and are confident with speaking to adults/parents.
All positions are casual and are ideally suited to people currently studying who would like a couple of shifts per week. Work is primarily on weekends for junior sport positions and during school holidays. Umpires are required for weeknights and Sunday night plus for functions and events as required.
We also have kiosk, bar and supervisor roles, feel free to apply and your details will be kept on file.
When completing your online application (buttons below), please do not select all of the boxes, we are currently looking for people who want to join our team who have specific skills and experience for umpiring. You are welcome to apply if you are keen sports person who has either umpired or played your chosen sport.
Minimum Requirements:
All candidates who are successfully employed by ICA Stepney, must have a Working with Children Check prior to any shifts being worked. It is to your advantage to apply for this prior to applying.
A first aid certificate is a requirement for all Supervisors and Senior umpires.
It is recommended for Bar applications to have obtained a Responsible Service of Alcohol prior to applying.
A Responsible Person's badge is of benefit, but not a requirement.
Once your application is received, we will be in contact with you via email or phone.