Junior League Information
8-week seasons run during school terms
You can join the league anytime during the season
Games are played Saturday mornings from 8.15am
Grand Finals are held at the end of each season
All registrations are for individual players for the full season
The season fee is $98 and includes a $6 registration fee
All fees are payable in advance when you register your child
If you join after the season has started, the season fee will be reduced
Teams and age groups are finalised once all players have registered online
If you have a full team you want to register, please ask us to set up your team first. You will then receive a link to share with the other parents to register their kids.
Individuals who do not have a team, will be placed in a team created by ICA Stepney, age groups and gender will be mixed.
All kids will receive a medal/gift at the end of the season
When you register for Junior Cricket for both Term 2 & Term 3, you will receive a $5 kiosk voucher for your child to use on game day.
Registration is quick and easy
How to register your child
Step 1
register your child here click here to register and will add them to a team for you
full payment is required when you register your child
please ensure the name on the registration is your child's (not your name) and include their Date of Birth
you will need to provide your contact details (mobile and email) when registering
you may register more than one child within your family and make one payment for the season.
If they are in different teams/divisions, you will need to do separate registrations.
once your registration is processed, you will receive an email from info@icastepney.com.au with a link to complete the players details form. You can also complete it here Players Details here
During the season you can login and view details for each child's calendar, team, statement, fixtures all under the one login.
Team registrations
if you have a full team you would like to register, please ask us to set up your team first
you will then receive a link to share with the other parents to register their kids
Games for each term will be added into our fixture system called Spawtz
You will be able to search your team name and see all ladders and fixtures at any time
You will also be able to log in and view team information, confirm availability etc.
Results are available live and also announced on Twitter live immediately after each game
Parents/Guardians will receive and email to remind them of the upcoming game time
Spawtz Login page - for online team management, availability, fixtures, ladders and stats (once you have registered you have access to login).
Game Day
For the first couple of weeks there will be a few helpers on the
court, helping the kids learn the indoor rules and increase their skills -
You will receive a detailed email prior to your first game, providing you with
details about game day, what to wear, what to bring etc. -
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the game starting
Kids can receive a print out of their game's results
Parents/Guardians are not required to stay for the full game (we understand Saturday mornings!!) However you must let us know that you are leaving.
We are not responsible for the supervision of your child when they are not playing on the court.
Rules are the same as our social season games, please click here to view them
If any amendments are needed for Junior Cricket, you will be advised
Feel free to come and watch the social games Monday to Friday or Sunday nights at ICA Stepney.
Check which nights your sport is played on to come and watch.
You can watch courtside or from above in the bar/function room, order a pizza or uber eats and make a night of it !
Other information
This league is set up to be a social, fun experience for all kids involved.
It has been set up so that kids can continue to play their favourite sports during winter, learn a new sport and skills, learn indoor rules, meet other kids who also love cricket
Our umpires are professional umpires who also umpire our adult social games and some umpire for our state competitions.
Some kids have not played indoor before and we request your patience given some kids may need to learn more than others. We do not want to discourage anyone's love for their sport
All employees who are over 18 years of age, have a Working with Children Check.
Photos and Videos
We will be taking photos and videos of the games and teams
We request that you provide permission when you register your child
No child will be photographed individually unless specific permission is requested by ICA Stepney
Photos and videos will be used on social media, our own internal media screens
Examples of photo and video use:
beginning of the season and welcoming teams
welcoming new teams during the season
promoting game results as well as twitter results (live results that use the team name only)
Grand Finals ... of course these need to be celebrated !
During the season, if you take some great photos, we would love to see them.
Players and teams will also will be listed on our media board based on their stats and team results
Any questions? please call 8362 8808 and speak to Matt or email us
We are excited! and look forward to another successful Junior League season.