Payment options for fees and debtors
Log into your Team Account in Spawtz (fees may apply)
Click the login button
Search for your team/login
Your login in is your email address
Go to My Statement and follow the steps to make your payment(s)
Email us if you need assistance
If you would like us to set you up, please complete this quick & easy form
Call 8362 8808 and pay over the phone (no fees are charged)
Pay in person at the kiosk (no fees are charged)
Debit or Credit Cards only
Our venue is cashless
PayPal (fees may apply)
Use the PayPal app or PayPal Website
Select Send
Email address is icastepney@internode.on.net
Enter the amount to be paid
Note needs to be your team name or your name
Send now
Bank Transfer (no fees are charged)
Account Name: Petcraky Pty Ltd
BSB: 015 010
Account #: 110604366
Reference: Team name or your name
Invoice (fees may apply)
Email us if you would like an invoice sent to you or your workplace. Invoices are payable within 14 days
Your team will receive regular reminders re debtors owing and it is your responsibility to:
Pay the full game fee on the night of your game.
Pay off the debtors even a small amount each week.
An invoice will be sent to your team prior to the end of each season to pay the balance of your debtors.
If debtors are not paid when due, debt collectors will be engaged. Fees will apply.