Terms & Conditions of Hire
The Hirer: Refers to the user group hiring the facilities at ICA Sportzworx Stepney.
The Arena: Refers to the area of ICA Sportzworx Stepney, 1 Stepney Street, Stepney.
Agreement for Hire
The agreement is binding upon acceptance/ signing of these terms and conditions by the hirer as set out below.
Hiring Charges
Invoices must be paid within 14 days of the date of the invoice. Petcraky Pty Ltd trading as ICA Sportzworx Stepney reserves the right to vary their charges from time to time without notice. Increases will not be changed to any confirmed bookings, only future bookings made after the increase date. All bookings must conclude in accordance with the booking agreement. Bookings exceeding the specified closing times of The Arena, for any hour or part thereof, will incur the full hourly hire rate plus any associated staffing costs.
ICA Sportzworx Stepney reserves the right to refuse any application to hire any part of the Arena without stating any reason for the refusal.
Confirmation and Cancellation of bookings
Court hire can be booked via our website or email. ICA Sportzworx Stepney require bookings details in writing for all recurring bookings. If the booking space is available, confirmation of the booking will be issued in writing. Cancellation of a booking must be received no later than 2 days prior to the booking. Cancellations with less than 2 days notice will incur the full cost of the booking. All cancellations must be in writing.
Casual Bookings and Cancellations
Casual bookings may be placed by phone or via our website. Cancellations must be received the day prior to the booking date. A cancellation fee equalling 50% of the bookings value will be applied to the customer for cancellations made on the same day. Customers with a casual booking that goes unattended without cancellation will incur the full cost of the booking.
Bookings will receive a confirmation email.
Cancellation and Closure by ICA Sportzworx Stepney
ICA Sportzworx Stepney may cancel the Hirer’s booking or close The Arena at any time if in its reasonable opinion:
The Arena may be unduly damaged by use for the hiring purpose(s);
The Arena will be unfit for use during the period of hire; or
The hirer fails to comply with the terms and conditions of hire.
If ICA Sportzworx Stepney cancels the hirers booking under clause(s) a or b, ICA Sportzworx Stepney will consult with the hirer and endeavour to reach agreement on an alternative period of hire suitable to both parties. The hirer will be refunded for any fees or deposit paid, for the affected time only.
In addition, ICA Sportzworx Stepney will close The Arena at any time in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of The Arena or part there of. The hirer is expected to follow ICA Sportzworx Stepney staff procedures at all times in case of an emergency. The hirer will be refunded any fees for the hire time affected by the evacuation only.
Promotions and Coupon Codes
Unless otherwise stated all promotions and coupon codes are only applicable to all new bookings and/or new teams nominating to join a season.
ICA Sportzworx Stepney management reserves the right to refuse admission to, or remove from The Arena, any persons not following these terms and conditions or the conditions of entry into the centre.
Hirer’s Obligations
The hirer:
Will pay such further charges as determined by management on demand if:
Any part of ICA Sportzworx Stepney other than The Arena hired is used by the hirer; or
The facilities are used by the hirer outside the period of hire
Will, during the period of hire, obey all instructions given by ICA Sportzworx Stepney management as to the use of, and access to and from, The Arena.
Will adequately supervise and control all persons associated with their booking during the Period of Hire.
All court entry/exit zips must be fully closed whilst using the courts, this includes during warm ups and when people are arriving and leaving.
Will leave The Arena, including any change rooms, toilets and showers, in a clean and tidy condition.
Will provide adequate resources to assist ICA Sportzworx Stepney staff with set up of
equipment prior to and pack up at the conclusion of the booking as required. -
Will not bring, or permit to be brought into The Arena, any alcoholic beverage.
Will not bring, or permit to be brought into The Arena, any external catering without prior consent from
ICA Sportzworx Stepney management. -
Will not alter, move or remove any fixtures, fittings or furnishings in The Arena without prior consent from the centre coordinator. This includes affixing items whether by adhering, nailing or screwing to any surface in The Arena.
Damage to ICA Sportzworx Stepney
The hirer agrees to pay ICA Sportzworx Stepney on demand the cost of repairing any damage to The Arena, including the loss of any equipment, building damage or lost revenue during repairs, incidental to the hirer’s hiring.
The Arena has the right to request a bond from hirers upon confirmation of their booking. The bond amount may vary depending on areas of The Arena hired or type of function. The bond will be refunded on completion of the event and satisfactory inspection of all areas hired. The Arena has the right to withhold the bond in the event that the hirer caused damage/loss and refund any remaining monies after repairs are carried out. If damages exceed the bond, the hirer will pay The Arena any outstanding repair costs and loss of income as under ‘Damages to ICA Sportzworx Stepney’ clause.
Event/Tournament Cancellation Policy
Due to high demand for facilities at ICA Sportzworx Stepney, a cancellation policy applies.
A $50.00 deposit is non-refundable upon confirmation of your booking.
The hirer of events/ tournaments will be invoiced on the day of attendance or as agreed between The hirer and ICA Sportzworx Stepney. Invoice is payable within 14 days.
If the deposit is not received within seven days of the booking confirmation, the booking may be cancelled.
All cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations cannot be accepted over the phone.
First Aid and Incident Reporting
It is commonplace for hirers and associations to administer minor first aid. ICA Sportzworx Stepney provides first aid trained staff and are available to assist if required. All notifiable incidents that occur within the premises must be reported to ICA Sportzworx Stepney staff immediately.
Lost Property
ICA Sportzworx Stepney is not responsible to the hirer for damage to or the loss, theft or removal of any property brought or left by any person in or upon any part of The Arena. The Hirer shall indemnify ICA Sportzworx Stepney against all demands, actions and proceedings in respect of any such damage, loss, theft or removal or any loss sustained by any person in consequence of such damage, theft or removal.
ICA Sportzworx Stepney is not responsible to the hirer for damage to or the loss, theft or removal of any motor vehicle or bicycle and the hirer shall indemnify ICA Sportzworx Stepney from and against all claims, demands, actions and proceedings in respect of any such damage loss, theft or removal or any loss sustained by any person in consequence of such damage, theft or removal.
ICA Sportzworx Stepney has a shared carpark arrangement with other tenants and cannot guarantee all carparks will be available, for large functions we give our absolute best to ensure carparks are available.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere within ICA Sportzworx Stepney including keeping a 5m distance from all outdoor entry and exit points.
Indemnity and Liability
ICA Sportzworx Stepney is not responsible for any injuries obtained whilst playing at the Arena. All users play at their own risk.
To read our privacy policy, risk assessment, risk management and child safe environments compliance statement please go to our policies & statements page